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I should explain

The title of my blog is "Ladybugs and Stinkbugs." There is actually a reason for that. In our house, boys are stinkbugs (for obvious reasons), and girls are ladybugs. The guys have rebelled against their title, and call themselves stinkbugs, but we girls are stikin' with what we know is the truth. It's hard sometimes because we're outnumbered, but we manage to stand our ground.

I will never understand why guys think it's funny to make disgusting noises (with or without accompanying odors), so Annie and I try very hard NOT to be around when they start that.

It's also very funny that Andrew is already learning what falls in the ladybug category and what falls in the stinkbug category. We went to dinner at my ALL TIME favorite restaurant ever in the whole wide world, Tokyo Japanese Steak House, and all of the kids ordered soft drinks to drink. We had some friends with us, so there were two girls and two boys. One boy and one girl got Sprite, and one boy and one girl got Pepsi. (This sounds like the beginning of a math problem...if each kid took two drinks of their drink and then declared themselves full, how much money would mom and dad have wasted....)


Andrew got Sprite...unfortunately, though, Sprite was the PINK straw, and Pepsi was the BLUE straw. Whining ensued. "I don't need this one - that's the girl one!!! I need the boy one!!" Whining quickly began to escalate into temper tantrum, when quick-thinking Granny found a solution: trade straws. Things were again at peace.

He has caught on very quickly to Jeremy's motto in life: boys don't wear pink. Annie, on the other hand, is ALL girl, so we have a very interesting dynamic in our home. The teenage years will be very...interesting.

1 Response to "I should explain"

  1. gravatar
    Anonymous February 15, 2008 at 9:51 AM Permalink

    That would be a good punishment...if they misbehave they have to wear a pink something...Im snickering..can you hear it??? Kari