"It's like pulling teeth"

You've heard the expression. You probably even thought you knew what it meant. But a recent experience at our house brought it home to me. If something is "like pulling teeth" it must be nerve-wracking, tense, hilarious, and awful all at the same time. Let me explain - or, as Indigo Montoya* said - let me sum up:

Matthew's tooth was loose. He was so excited. Evidently losing teeth is "all the rage" at Awana. Who knew? So, every day for about 2 months we got the daily "tooth-looseness" report. Finally, The Day came. Matthew announced, "I think my tooth is going to fall out today." Little did he know.

I don't know why They say teeth "fall out". Have you ever seen a tooth actually "fall"? No, they almost always have to be extracted by some outside force. But that doesn't sound innocuous enough for this childhood rite of passage. Still, it shouldn't have come as a surprise that Jeremy had to pull Matthew's tooth out. But it was a surprise.

Especially to Matthew.

Poor thing, he had an audience, too. My sister and (soon to be) brother in law, my parents, and my - with my phone. It was tense:

It took about 12 1/2 tries for Jeremy to FINALLY get this stupid thing pulled. Matthew was so proud:

matthew's tooth!

And, like any good boy, the event was successful because there was actually blood. It doesn't get any better than that.

*Any Princess Bride fans out there?*