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Sore Loser

It was an AWANA theme night: Music Night. The point was to dress up as something to do with music. The choices were endless: music notes, instruments, singers - anything to do with music was fair game. Annie wanted to be a rock star. And, boy, did she look cute:


So, everyone lined up on the Awana Circle, as usual, for opening ceremonies. Jeff S. did the judging, so no one could accuse us (mainly Granny, Mommy or Daddy) of being "biased". (Incidentally, Matthew articulated the reasoning behind this. He said, "I wish Daddy was judging because I know he would pick me!)

Everyone who participated looked ADORABLE, and the choices were very hard. This time, Matthew won - he was dressed up as David the shepherd playing instruments.


Unfortunately, this time, Annie did NOT win. This was how she responded:


First of all, NO she was not posing - this is actually what she did. Second, I know I'm a bad mom - my daughter is bawling her eyes out, and I stop to take a picture before comforting her...We had the "good loser" speech (though I didn't use the word "loser"), and went back to congratulate the winner. In the midst of the conversation, Annie finally let me know what was really bothering her: she wanted the prize. 3 small wooden maraca-type instruments (that did look really cool, actually), had my baby in tears. THIS we could fix.

"We'll save up our money, and you can go to the store and buy some, honey," I told her. This did not appease her. She still continued to cry, so I asked her, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know where Granny goooooooooot theeeeeeem!!!!" she sobbed.

And, of course, what do can you say to that?

1 Response to "Sore Loser"

  1. gravatar
    Anonymous February 19, 2008 at 2:08 PM Permalink

    Absolutely PRECIOUS!!!!

    That's my baby girl! :-)
