Andrew's Easter
This is part 1 of a series of Easter posts I will do. Each of my kids is so unique and special, I didn't feel like I could fit everything I want to share into one post, so I'm splitting it up.
(By the way, that is not to imply that someone else's kids AREN'T unique and special...just that this is my blog, so if I want to go on and on about my children in a most embarrassing way, it's my prerogative - feel free to click the little red X at the top of your screen...=))
Andrew had a great day. He got to wear his "smokin'" green shirt AND a tie - his tie stayed on all of exactly three minutes once he finally got to church. I'm so glad we got pictures taken BEFORE church!
He couldn't figure out where to put his hands...
or down?
Finally, we settled on in the middle:
And that was just BEFORE church!
After church, we took pictures of everyone (over and over again). Drew did his best to show us his serious side:
To see ALL of Drew's pictures for the day, go here!
One final Drew-story. Those of you who don't have boys may not appreciate this, but here's goes anyway...
We are standing in the foyer after church, chatting and visiting, when one of our friends comes up to us and says, "Did you see what your son did?" All of the blood drains from my face and I say, "What?" (Please keep in mind that this woman is a long-time member of our church, very sophisticated, her husband is a respected lawyer in town, and her son, who was telling the story, in a real cutie and in college...)
She says to her son, "Tell them!" And he says, "I was looking out the window when all of a sudden all I see is this little bare butt...and a stream of water..." Would you believe my DARLING ANGEL was PEEING outside AT CHURCH on EASTER in front of EVERYONE?!?!
Well, if you know Andrew, I guess you could believe it. We asked him what he was doing and he just said he needed to go...right there...
Who knows? My face was BEET RED but everyone else thought it was the funniest thing they had ever seen!
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