Just in case you wondered
"Would you rather" is a game that we play with the kids at dinner time. They have to answer questions like "would you rather ride your bike or play Xbox" and "would you rather drive a race car or go to Disney World". After they answer a question, they get to ask one of their own. The questions they ask are almost as interesting as their answers.
I hope that as they grow older, the questions will be more serious and will engage a lot of meaningful - and memorable - conversation, for me and for them.
Here's a sample (with my answers). Copy & paste it into a comment to leave your answers - and don't forget to say why!
Be happy but poor?
Be miserable but rich?
-Happy & poor. The Bible says its more beneficial - and the rewards in heaven will be greater.
Be the most popular student in school?
Be the smartest student in school?
-Smartest. Popularity doesn't last very long.
Go without television for the rest of your life?
Go without junk food for the rest of your life?
-Television. You can eat junk food while you read...
Be known as a thief?
Be known as a nerd?
Make headlines for saving somebody's life?
Make the headlines for being the youngest person to graduate college?
-Saving someone's life. Obviously.
Live the life of a cat?
Live the life of a dog?
-Cat. That's the life! Come and go as you please.
Walk through a cemetery alone at night?
Swim in a large pond that has snapping turtles in it?
Lose your best friend forever?
Have no contact with your family for a year?
-This is hard - what if your best friend IS your family? Still, I'd have to say lose best friend - family includes more people.
Wear glasses for the rest of your life?
Wear braces for the rest of your life?
-Glasses! You can always take them off when you're tired of them.
Have your favorite celebrity stay with you for a weekend?
Have a small (speaking) part in a Hollywood movie?
-Have the celeb. in my house. Definitely.
Never have to go to school again but work a job that you don't like?
Finish school and get a job that you like?
-Finish School.
Stand in front of the whole church (on stage) and do a silly song and dance?
Shave your head completely bald?
-Sing a silly song - that humiliation only lasts for 2 minutes - as opposed to 2 years!!
Never celebrate another holiday or birthday for the rest of your life?
Never eat candy or drink soda for the rest of your life?
-Ew...I'd HATE to give up coke, but I'd hate to give up Christmas even more!
Be considered good-looking?
Be considered a good person?
Have a pet monkey?
Have a pet seal?
-Seal - less messy...I think.
Spend a night alone in a supposedly haunted house?
Spend the night alone camping in a mountain forest?
-Haunted House. I'd be afraid I'd never come back from the mountain.
Live the rest of your live with no teeth?
Live the rest of your life with the hic-ups?
-I think no teeth...maybe I could get dentures?
Have the ability to fly?
Have the ability to become invisible?
-Invisible. You can find out a lot more!
Spend a year in jail for something you did?
Spend a year in jail for something you didn't do?
-Didn't do - better to suffer and be righteous than suffer for something I did wrong.
Make $100,000 per year digging holes with a shovel?
Make $30,000 per year playing your favorite sport?
-Does playing piano count as a sport?
Become healthy by maintaining a healthy diet?
Become healthy by "working out" regularly?
-Working Out. Definitely.
Hold a non-poisonous snake for 10 minutes?
Sleep in a room that has three medium-sized spiders crawling on the walls?
This is a fun game! My girls came up with some interesting questions. Sydney got a little goofy with it, of course. She asked us, "Which would you rather do...Turn on the ceiling fan or go check the mail?" That one's a toughy...their both so intriguing. =)