Matthew's Easter
Our second installment chronicles the Easter of our firstborn. He is now 6 going on 16, and discovered that the Easter Bunny is Daddy. Jeremy & I have long had an agreement that, if any of the kids were to ask - flat-out - if the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, etc. were real, that we would tell them. So, Matthew did. And Jeremy did.
This made Mommy sad.
He didn't, however, apply this theoretical principle to other fictional characters. Jeremy was relieved he didn't have to have the Santa Claus conversation...he said, "I'm glad he didn't ask me; I was going to lie!"
So, Matthew went with me and picked out Easter Basket stuff at the store - and did a good job keeping his mouth shut. (which, as anyone who knows Matthew could tell you, was a great feat!)
Here's our handsome dude:
Doesn't he look GROWN UP?!
To see all of his pictures, click here.
Wow! He is grown up looking! Quite the different young man than the one Brian and I encountered the first time we had nursery duty. He was in our class and when we asked him what his parents' names were, he replied, "Mom & Dad". They get so big so fast....