
So I got tired of not having any energy, not being able to get out of bed in the morning, and feeling just generally icky. Especially because most of the "work" I do involved sitting at a desk (except, of course, chasing after all of my kiddos), I was really having trouble finding some way to get and stay active.

So, I went back to what worked BEFORE baby was born - Curves. Every morning (7:30 - yuck!) I've been getting up and working out. Not sure yet if I'm going to post "details" (weight, etc.), but maybe I'll at least post my progress every once in a while.

They do have the neatest thing, though - it's called "Curves Smart". They measure the way you use the machines, how many reps you do in 30 sec, the strength and speed of your reps, as well as your range of motion, and put it into the computer. Then, every time you work out on the machine - on each and every rep - it lets you know if you are working that muscle 100%. Then, when your workout is complete, it will let you know which machines you need to work better at, which ones you have made progress on, and how many calories you burned, stuff like that. It's pretty awesome - like having a personal trainer sit with you as you do each and every machine.

It's especially good for people like me who have no idea how to use most machines at a gym!

3 Responses to "Curves"

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    Georgia April 17, 2008 at 10:04 AM Permalink

    Let me be the first to encourage you on going back to Curves. I really dislike exercising, but I definitely see the benefits. I am proud of you!

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    Anonymous April 18, 2008 at 4:58 AM Permalink

    Good for you! I can't wait until I can start exercising again. I really miss it. It makes you feel incredibly awesome! Keep it up...you won't regret it!

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    JodyLee April 19, 2008 at 7:30 PM Permalink

    Curves is the best thing around right now. I really did enjoy doing it when we were doing it together. Maybe someday I'll settle my schedule down enough to go back to it. In the meantime, I don't sit in one place long enough to get sore. Who ever said I would have all the time in the world when I changed jobs didn'tknow what they were talking about. But I'm glad you are doing it and feeling better.