It's Official

I'm no longer sick!!! Yeah!! I know because I can swallow without feeling like I'm swallowing needles. Strep throat is NOT fun.

On a (somewhat) better note as well, Mom is improving. She has spent the week in bed with Strep, Pneumonia AND bronchitis! Not a fun way to spend your time, trust me. But she's doing better today - actually made it down the stairs and made coffee! Of course, that was it for the rest of the day, but that's an improvement.

We are getting ready for two performances at church: Children's Musical "Livin' Inside Out in an Upside Down World" and our adult Spring musical "Lift Up Your Eyes". Both are a lot of work, but also a lot of fun (so far). We'll perform the adult musical at three venues: our church, the prison, and the Salvation Army. The children will NOT go to the prison...lol. =) They will perform for our church. Matthew's very excited because this is the first musical he gets to be in (the WHOLE THING), and he has one acting part. Annie's choir class will perform the first song with us. Hopefully I'll be able to upload some video. =)