About our Family: Lindsay (Me) Downs

I'm a Christian, wife, mother, and a bunch of other stuff. My days are filled with laundry, schooling three kids, working, and music. I'm very involved in our local church - which I LOVE - and spend as much time as I can reading!

I enjoy gardening and being out in the sun. Hopscotch is fun, and so is riding a bike, especially while listening to an iPod. =)

I thank God every day for the wonderful life He has given me. I pray that I can use it, and the abundant blessings He has given me, to direct others to Him!

3 Responses to "About our Family: Lindsay (Me) Downs"

  1. gravatar
    Anonymous May 6, 2008 at 6:25 AM Permalink

    Hey Lindsay, Your new format on the blog is shaping very nice. Love the pictures of the kids across the top. Just one thing, you need a different picture of you. You are MUCH prettier than that picture shows!!!

  2. gravatar
    Anonymous May 6, 2008 at 6:26 AM Permalink

    Oops, forgot to sign my name. Sandy

  3. gravatar
    Anonymous May 9, 2008 at 1:55 PM Permalink

    Are you hiding your identity..or in the Witness Protection Program...LOL..Kari