Matthew is learning to skate

His latest obsession is the Ice Hockey game that he plays on XBox. So, when his friend gave him an old pair of roller blades, he suddenly became transformed into a professional hockey player! He became an expert overnight.
(Please note, this is all from HIS perspective - not a biased mommy's...)

2 Responses to "Matthew is learning to skate"

  1. gravatar
    Anonymous May 16, 2008 at 6:30 AM Permalink

    Oh no, could ice hockey ever replace baseball???? Tell me it's not so!!! Actually this is quite perfect. One sport for summer & one for winter.Sandy

  2. gravatar
    Rebekah Downs May 20, 2008 at 5:37 PM Permalink

    Wow! Good job, Matthew!

    The girls would love to have skates/rollerblades. We'll have to look into that this year. =)