We're glad bball is over today!
This is how hot it is out here!
The above video was sent to my blog via my cell phone...from the ball field! (Sorry, I just think that's really cool.) I know the quality isn't that great, but what that is, is Annie and Andrew slouched in their chairs like wilted flowers. The heat was so intense at the tee ball field today, it really made me glad that the season is over!!
Matthew had a great game...of course, he was sad that the season was over. He's already finagling to play in the fall season. Jeremy & I are thinking it over, but we are not sure if we want him to play during the fall season or the spring. We DID tell him he could only play one of them, though - not both! Since we will eventually have four kids wanting to be in different activities, we have no choice but to start limiting NOW.
Matthew loves it, though, and it will be a lot of fun to watch him progress. And, of course, I will keep you updated!
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