Downs Family Trials
We are going through it right now!!! I'm not complaining, because things are going really well, but, man, when it rains it pours!!
First, earlier last month, the a/c went out in our van. Jeremy thought it was the evap. coil, so he took it to the dealership. They said it was something different, and "fixed" it - $600 worth of fixing. That was great, and we had a cool van again...until last week. Then it went out AGAIN. We took it back in, and, sure enough, it was the evap coil! Of course, this time it's going to be $1200 to fix, so right now we are "suffering" (as Matthew would say) until we can get the money to fix it.
That was bad enough, but then, the same weekend, the a/c in our HOUSE went out, too! We spent one day in 95 degree weather. It was horrible. But we finally got the guy out there and he fixed it. That was SUCH a blessing.
So, I guess "trials" may be a bit of hyperbole. And "suffering" definitely is.
And Jeremy says we don't need a new van...
Hey, I feel your pain! We were without A/C in our car for months before we got the truck we have now, and incidentally, the A/C in our house went out during that same time! How weird is that?
My truck's A/C started doing weird things during our trip this past weekend, so I hope it's not about to go out, too! This is definitely the worst time of year for that to happen!
I hope all is going well for you guys now!