Emergency Room
Ok, I have had a ton of requests for MORE INFO about our E.R. trip. Sorry for being so ambiguous in my previous post - I was in a hurry. :)
In order to better serve you, I am posting two versions of the story: the Long Version and the Short Version. You may choose which format you prefer.
Short Version
Mom (Granny) went to the ER after a really bad fall. They did X-rays and CT scans and nothing was broken. She was given pain medication and sent home around 1:30am.
Long Version
The day of Landra's wedding dawned rainy - that sweet, warm kind of rain that feels nice and refreshing.....okay, okay just kidding - it's not THAT long!
After Landra's wedding, we all went home to rest, except for mom and Leanne. They stayed to finish up some cleaning in the reception hall. We had been home about 1 1/2 hours when Leanne called and said Mom had fallen - she had tripped over one of the parking curbs and fallen straight down on her face. She had hurt her wrist, cheekbone and knee. They had called an ambulance because they thought she had lost consciousness for about 30 seconds.
They got her right in at the ER, and the doctor saw her and ordered a CT scan and x-ray for her cheek and wrist. Then we waited...and waited...and waited...
They finally came back and said nothing was broken, nothing was wrong, and she could go home - with some really strong pain medicine!
She spent yesterday recovering and seems to be doing really well today - sore, but lots better.
Thanks for all of your concern!
I'm glad to hear she's doing better.