My Sweeties

If you're a parent, you know your children never look cuter than when they're sleeping!! Here's proof:


Don't ask my why my children, who all have perfectly nice, warm, comfortable beds, would all prefer to sleep on the floor!! Annie sleeps in the boys' room every night with her brothers, and they all end up sleeping on the floor together.


Matthew is a good sleeper - always has been. Get him to hold still (and stop talking) and he's sound asleep. Anywhere, anytime.


Annie's a very light sleeper. She may be confused when you come in there, but she's gonna be awake. She also has the hardest time actually falling asleep. She has lain awake for hours before, just still and quiet, because she can't fall asleep.


Drew's the hard sleeper. You can't wake him up with a crane, a jackhammer, or a hurricane (I wonder where he gets that?). Seriously, I've picked him up, taken him into the bathroom, turned the light on, and set him down and he still hasn't woken up!

We go in and check on them each night before we go to sleep (an old habit from the infant "are they still breathing" phase), and there's nothing that will fill your heart as quickly as taking the time to stop and look at the blessings that God has laid at your feet, in the form of loud, wiggly, messy - and beautiful - children.

2 Responses to "My Sweeties"

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    Rebekah Downs June 7, 2008 at 6:12 AM Permalink

    That's so sweet! I know exactly how you feel. I don't go check on mine every night now, but when we're on vacation and all stay in the same hotel room, I absolutely love seeing them sleeping. It's even sweeter when they wake up all groggy and come crawl in bed with you to snuggle. =)

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    Melissa June 10, 2008 at 8:55 AM Permalink

    I totally know what you mean. Even if it's been a crazy day with my kids when I check on them at night my heart just fills with love and thankfulness for my two girls. Cute pictures!