Pre-VBS Week
My intention this summer was to take the entire summer off until Music Camp in late July. That hasn't worked out so far! The VBS ladies (yes, that is their official title) converted my mother into a zealot for their cause, and she resorted to shameless flattery to convince me to teach during VBS. (How can you resist "We really need teachers who really know the Bible and really love kids" etc etc...)
Really, I'm excited, though. I've been teaching a summer Sunday School class for 3rd-5th graders called "How to Study your Bible," and it has reminded me how much I enjoy teaching. So I'm looking forward to next week, even though it will be a busy one.
So, this week is my "getting ready for music camp" week. Music camp won't happen until late July, but there is child care at the church (thanks, VBS ladies), and I'm taking advantage of that. Of course, I've insulted my 7-year-old, insinuating, evidently, that he is a child by forcing him into the confines of "the nursery wing," but, well, you can't please everyone. Annie & Andrew are happy to go play with their friends, and I'm getting lots done. (Jacob, however, is going through the 6-month-old stage of separation anxiety, and I think he's teething, too. The combination is not good for the nursery workers. )
Anyway, I may be a bit behind on my blogging for the next couple of weeks - but don't despair! I'll be up & running after VBS next week.
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