Annie the artist

I have absolutely no artistic ability whatsoever. All of my "fine arts" skills went into music, and I guess there weren't enough left over to draw a straight line - with a ruler!

That's why I'm so impressed at Annie's creativity and skill when she colors, draws, or paints. She LOVES doing creative things like this, and is always finding fun things to do. She got a balloon at HEB today, and tied onto it was a little plastic bear (you know, to keep the balloon from flying away and sparking Major Meltdown). So she glues little pieces of paper on the bear for eyes, mouth, decoration, and spends 20 minutes getting it "just right". The other day, she had a brown paper bag, and a box of elbow macaroni. Before I even knew what she was doing, she had a puppet - it was adorable!

I love watching her take random things around the house and have so much fun with them! We received some books via UPS, and in the package was an extra piece of cardboard. Annie took the cardboard, decorated it, punched holes in either side, and tied string onto both sides. Ta da!! A shield to make any brave warrior proud! Of course, the boys were VERY jealous, so we had to hunt down MORE cardboard, MORE string, and Annie had to show them how to do it.

I'm thinking...why did I just spend $200 on a Wii??? I could have bought $200 worth of cardboard! lol

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of the cardboard shields; I do have a picture of a scene she created on her mini-dry-erase board that she uses for school practice. Since this one won't last forever, I took a picture!


2 Responses to "Annie the artist"

  1. gravatar
    Rebekah Downs July 29, 2008 at 6:52 AM Permalink

    Is it a girl thing? Does Matthew not do stuff like that? My girls are constantly creating stuff like that, and they have to draw a picture on the blank side of every school page and tell me the story behind each one. =)

    That's awesome that she is exploring and developing her creativity! Who knows...maybe one day she'll be an incredible, famous artist, and we'll be able to say, "We knew her when..." =)

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    Lindsay July 29, 2008 at 3:44 PM Permalink

    Maybe it is a girl thing. Matthew does not like to color, and he is just now getting to where he will if there is nothing else to do.

    What he will do, though, is "write songs" - he will sit down with a piece of paper and write words to a song, and sing it for all of us! It's really neat.