Evacuation Diary #2
Friday night:
Up until 1am trying to make reservations and decide when to leave. We finally decided on Saturday afternoon.
Saturday morning:
Jeremy let me sleep late (isn't he wonderful), then I had to run to Walmart to get contacts and diapers. (Jake said thank you.) Traffic wasn't that bad on the way to Walmart, but you could tell on the way home that is was getting heavier.
Got back, and did the FASTEST packing job I have ever done. (Side note: I am ANAL about packing. I like to get out everything we are taking and put it in special piles, then pack it very neatly and organized so that we can find everything. Of course, as soon as we get to our destination, one of the kids rummages through to find something and all that hard work is down the drain, but at least I make sure I have everything...well, at least It try my best!)
We got on the road about 1pm. We ended up stuck on Hwy 69 in stop and go traffic all the way through Kountze, which is about 30 miles north. It stayed pretty heavy until we got off the main hwy and headed over towards 45. From there it totally cleared out.
We got to eat at Long John Silvers!!!! This is my favorite restaurant, and I make Jeremy stop at every one that we pass. So, that was a treat. By that time, Jacob was just starting to get cranky, so he got to get out for a while and that helped him. He slept most of the way until we got to I45, and then started to get a little fussy again.
Matthew and Andrew rode in Jeremy's car, and Annie and Jacob rode with me. I had the QUIETEST drive!! Annie just sat back in the back and played and sang quietly, every once in a while asking a question, but mostly keeping to herself. Jeremy, on the other hand, had chatterbox #1 and chatterbox #2, and they kept him quite entertained. We had FRS radios so we could talk to each other as we drove, and that was nice. The kids thought that was pretty cool, too.
We finally made it to the hotel (after what Annie called the "longest trip ever") about 10pm. the kids got to explore our suite and put up their clothes in the drawers, and then we finally got to sleep about midnight. Everyone crashed until 9am!
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