Quick Ike Update

Well, we are in Wichita Falls...again! At the same hotel, same room, everything. We're just staying one day, though. Tomorrow we're going to Amarillo to see family. We will probably stay there for 1 or 2 days and then we'll head up to Colorado Springs!! (Yeah!)

I'll post pics and stuff of our house once we get up there. We fared pretty well in the storm...our fence didn't make it and we lost a fence, but no house damage. Our church, however, is a different story. Evidently we sustained some pretty bad damage...Beaumont is bad...Lumberton is starting to get power back, but we are still going to stay gone for an extra week or so just to give everyone time to adjust and the stores to get re-stocked, etc. It will still be "recovery mode" when we get back, but it won't be quite so bad.

Anyway, prayers are appreciated!