Yes...We have No Bananas

How long has it been since I've lived in a city without a 24-hour Walmart?  Evidently too long - I've gotten spoiled.  Since the hurricane, this sign has been on the door at our Walmart:

0925 walmart

The cashier I spoke with told me that they don't have enough people to run 24-hour, and they don't have enough stock.  I went the other day and there were NO bananas!!  I know - I was shocked, too.


Even though it's only been 2 weeks since the storm blew through, when I am sitting in my house it's easy to forget what is going on in the community outside my door.  It makes me think about how easy it is to get totally wrapped up in my own world.  Schooling, cleaning, working, and sleeping...I can get completely immersed in the things I am doing and forget to look around me.  What about the neighbor down the house with four pine trees through his roof?  The city 30 miles away where only 16 - yes, sixteen - houses escaped flooding?  Raymond preached on Sunday: "Now What?" 


That's the question I'm asking myself.

2 Responses to "Yes...We have No Bananas"

  1. gravatar
    Melissa October 1, 2008 at 5:23 AM Permalink

    Hi Lindsey

    I'm glad to hear your family is ok. We were thinking about everyone we knew who lived in "Ike area" and were wondering if everyone made it out safely. Glad to hear you did. Good luck recouping and getting everything back in order. Your kids are too cute!

  2. gravatar
    Anonymous October 11, 2008 at 6:52 PM Permalink

    You don't even like BANANAS!