For those of you who don't know, AWANA is a Bible-memorization program through our church. They have a program for 2 year-olds (Puggles), 3-4 year-olds (Cubbies), K-2nd graders (Sparks), and 3-6th graders (T&T). Right now, we have two Sparks and two Cubbies (including Madi).
Andrew has been having a rough time with the transition to Cubbies (and in his new Sunday School class, as well). He really liked the IDEA of Cubbies, but didn't actually want to GO to Cubbies! We had a couple of very stressful (especially for me) drop-offs, but last Wednesday night he went into his class with NO CRYING. Then, wonder of wonders, he did the same thing in Sunday School yesterday. I think he finally got 'comfortable' - he's like his Daddy, he doesn't do "new" very well.
Here's our 3-year-old Cubbie:

Annie was very excited to get her 1st-grade book this year. She really knows what is going on, and has really just jumped back in. My favorite thing is hearing her pray during Opening Ceremonies. Her sweet little voice just melts my heart, especially when she's talking to God. Here's our Sparkie:

Then there's Matthew. He's on his third (and last) year in Sparks, so definitely knows the program. He's ready to move on up to T&T next year - but Mommy is NOT ready!! He's an overachiever - it's not enough for him to memorize his book. He wants to finish it, complete the review, AND go on to the workbook (which is "extra" stuff you can do when you've finished your handbook for the year). He's a lot of fun to work with because he really takes it seriously.

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