Memory Lane
In honor of Annie's birthday, I'm going back and looking at pictures of previous birthdays...It is so hard to believe how LITTLE she used to be! She was this chubby-cheeked little cherub that you just wanted to squeeze and hug. Jeremy jokes that I got what every little girl always wanted: a real live baby doll to play with!
And she definitely is that. I still enjoy her so much, and I thank God for her every day.
So, in honor of my sweet baby, here's the first of 4 photos:

Oh, I know it! I can't believe how fast they grow up! Our little girls are going to be SIX!!! I have a video clip of them from when they were about 2 years old and we were all in TN at Thanksgiving. You know, the one where they are holding hands and walking back and forth in the cabin. It is so cute! Did you take a video clip that day? If you want to see it, I can send it to you. I guess her birthday is tomorrow, so Happy Birthday, Annie! We love you and can't wait to see you again! =)