My Morning so Far

So I had a good start to the morning, and felt really good about the day. I expected we would even be able to start school by 9:30am (which is EXTRAORDINARY for us)!

And then........

My children...........


You know what I mean. When their sheer PRESENCE just overwhelms the situation to the extreme that MESS just explodes everywhere!! It's bad enough when this happens inside, and it is toys, etc that can be cleaned up rather easily (and usually by the mess-maker).

But this was a different KIND of mess. It was an outside-muddy-day-let's-get-dirty- and-while-we're-at-it-let's-throw-mud-on-the-house-type mess. You know the kind?

Still, I'm proud of myself. In the middle of all of this, I was able to remember my mother's mantra ("This won't last forever") and realize that it was actually kind of funny. Wanna see? I thought you would...so I took pictures!

First, here's what they did to the house (don't freak, Jeremy - I've already cleaned it up):


Then, here's what they did to THEMSELVES:


Doesn't he look so innocent? "What did I do?"

So, a main part of this post is just to remind myself that life can be pretty funny - and very unexpected with four children. The OTHER part of this post is to remind JEREMY that I don't just sit around the house all day (ahem) - I usually am relatively busy - if, by "busy", you mean "having so much to do that it is impossible to have a quiet minute and I don't even get to go to the BATHROOM by myself" (sorry that may be too much information).

Anyway, here's hoping that your day is as exciting as mine!

3 Responses to "My Morning so Far"

  1. gravatar
    Anonymous November 12, 2008 at 11:17 AM Permalink

    This is hysterical!!!I love it. Especially since it was your children & not mine doing all that. I don't think getting a camera would have been my 1st response. I need to copy "This won't last forever" & tatoo it on my hands (for when I throw them up in the air in exasperation). Sandy

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    John's Arts & Crafts November 12, 2008 at 5:46 PM Permalink

    Great photos! Don't sweat the small stuff, I remember when My kids were little believe me this is nothing. Thanks for sharing!
    New news on Ladybugs & to view a new movie trailer for a movie coming out Dec. 2008 called "Ladybug"

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    Rebekah Downs November 13, 2008 at 10:59 AM Permalink

    Too Funny!!! This reminds me of the time that Alyx and Larissa got into the baby powder and had it all over one of their beds, themselves and the carpet. That was fun to clean up! At least there room smelled good for the day. =)