Annie's Baby
Annie loves the baby doll that Santa brought her. She takes it everywhere, and carries it on her hip like she's a momma. It's really adorable. She even sleeps with it, and changes its clothes (it wears the same size as Jacob's, if you were wondering).
It's also her company when she sleeps:

A funny story about this doll. Today at church, she said that she wanted to take it to church. We didn't want her to take it into Sunday School, so we held it for her until church started. Jeremy went in early and was doing some work in the sound booth, and he sat the doll up on the ledge of the sound booth, where everyone walking in could see it.
The reactions he got would have been good "candid camera" moments. It was hilarious - the double-takes, and then the laughter was a lot of fun to watch. He said he was tempted to push it off and let it fall, and see what the reactions would be then!
That was our practical joke for the day.
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