Awana Verses

The kids have worked really hard this year, and I've seen dramatic improvements in all of their recitations, but most of all Andrew's. He got really excited when he learned John 3:16 because it was one that Matthew and Annie were working on, too. After that, he really got into memorizing the verses. Here is his verse for this week:

You'll notice the "Calesians 5:2" reference. Isn't that adorable? It's actually Ephesians 5:2, for those of you who were wondering.

Annie has been working on Psalms 23 for a long time, and she finally has gotten it all put together. It was very confusing for her when we started putting everything together. She learned each of the verses individually, and when she turned the page to see them all in one place, she freaked out! She didn't realize it was everything that she had already memorized - she thought she was going to have to start over. But listen how she's got it down now!

And then there's Matthew. He's got the verses down very well. We're just working on some "public speaking" aspects of reciting.