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Bible Reading for Today

Okay, so I'm not numbering anymore. I'm not sure what day we're on. Noah and his family just left the ark, Job is determined he should never have been born, and Jesus is preaching commandments that no one could EVER keep.

I think the main thing I'm seeing in Jesus' teachings is like a culmination of hundreds of years of the Law. It's like He was saying, "You know all those 600-something laws that you've been trying to keep for centuries? You know how they were basically impossible to keep, but you've managed to figure out how to look like you're keeping them all even when you're not? Well, I've got news for you - it gets harder!"

"You thought not killing people was hard?  Try not even getting ANGRY at someone without cause.  Adultery?  Try not even LOOKING with lust.  You thought it was enough to look righteous on the outside?  I'm telling you that if you're not PERFECT - that's right: Perfect - then you're basically screwed."

Okay, so that's not exactly how Jesus said it.  But I think you get what I'm trying to say.  He took something that was 100% impossible to do and added even MORE to it!

There are also echoes of Job in Jesus' teachings: "God causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good." Job said something very similar, though his thoughts were much more cynical. Job's viewpoint was that no one could stand before God. Even if you're innocent. Basically, since He made the world, He can do whatever He wants.

What's difficult is that the PREMISE is true, but not the heart.  Yes, God can do whatever He wants, but He doesn't delight in punishing us or smooshing us like bugs whenever we get out of line.  That was proved by Jesus.  But, I do know what it feels like for God to feel so far away that He seems to be the arrogant, condescending Judge instead of the loving, beautiful Father.

1 Response to "Bible Reading for Today"

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    Rebekah Downs January 6, 2009 at 5:40 PM Permalink

    I may not comment every time, but I just wanted to let you know that I am reading and enjoying your insights from your reading. Thanks for sharing! =)