Garage Sale Stories Part 2
Just to make sure you don't get entirely bored with all these stories, I'll break them up a little bit. It may take a couple of posts to get through. If you missed #1, here it is.
In pulling out stuff to sell, I came across a huge box that we haven't unpacked since we moved in over a year and a half ago. Evidently we didn't need any of the stuff, so I told the kids that, NO MATTER WHAT, we weren't keeping anything that we found in this box.
(Tip: Parents, NEVER use the phrase "no matter what." It just gets you into trouble.)
One of the firsts 'treasures' that we found in this box was a set of bowling pins for kids. This is exactly what has been missing from our house, incidentally. The volume level hasn't been high enough for me since 2003, when we had a screaming baby crying 24/7. Oh, how I've missed that. Now, though, the volume level has doubled, so I think we can be content.
Back to the story.
Andrew desperately wanted these bowling pins. I (patiently) explained to him that we had decided not to keep anything out of this box. We were selling it. He was getting money. What was he saving for? He thought for several seconds. Literally. Several. In a row. :) He finally said, "I'm saving for bowling pins."
Since it would be incredibly heartless (and stupid) of me to sell the bowling pins and give Andrew money to BUY bowling pins, I gave in. I know; I'm a sucker. So, he got the bowling pins out, and the three of them spent the next hour working hard setting up the garage sale bowling. As loudly as possible.
Does anybody out there have some ear plugs I could borrow?
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