Sick Days
These last few weeks have been filled with EVERYONE not feeling not. First it was me, then it was Jacob, then Andrew, then me again, and now Matthew. This is NOT fun. Andrew has been on steroids (oral and inhaled), and it has made him a wild indian, as well as a starving one! He is eating us out of house and home - I didn't think that was supposed to happen til they were teenagers!
Anyway, we're all just trying to endure, and trying to keep some sense of "normal" in the middle of all of it. We're still wading through school work. We're seeing a light at the end of the tunnel in all of our subjects except for Math and Phonics. The rest, we should have completed well before May, but those two...we may do those all summer and STILL not get done!
One other thing: if you think about it, and have time, please pray for us about a decision I need to make. I am vaguely considering joining a co-op for next year. I'm really going back and forth about it, with good reasons for and against, and really can't decide what would be the best for me and the kids. Please pray that we would make the best decision for our family!
Now, back to the trenches...
Sandy says I'm so sorry you all are feeling so bad. Hopefully, it will get better soon. As for Andrew's eating-its the steroids. One of the side effects is they increase your appetite. So not only is he a wild indian, he's eating to fuel that energy, which only gives him more energy. What a merry-go-round. If you get a handle on phonics, let me know. Katie could still use some help with that.