Heard at My House Today...

"No more Mr. Nice Girl!"

"You know what matches? Lego Star Wars & Legolas Star Wars!"

"Mommy's smarter than you." (Annie)
"Yeah, she knows what 60,000-60,000 is." (Matthew)

Oh, the joys.

2 Responses to "Heard at My House Today..."

  1. gravatar
    The Hag family March 30, 2009 at 4:10 PM Permalink

    Sooo cute! I love it! Wish I could have been there. Alissa

  2. gravatar
    Hillary March 31, 2009 at 8:32 AM Permalink

    Hi Lindsay! I am so excited to see your blog, what a fun way to keep in touch. We will be there end of April so maybe we can have dinner or something! See you soon, Hillary.