Last night was our Psalty musical at church! After months of a LOT of hard work, we were finally able to share with our church, friends & family what God had put on our hearts. That might sound "preachy" but it is totally how I feel. The kids did an AWESOME job! I really enjoyed watching them sing their hearts out. We will have one more performance, next week, at an apartment complex here in town. It is a "mini-mission-trip" for our 1st through 5th graders, and I think will be an awesome experience.
Here are a few pictures. I don't want to post pics of OTHER people's kids without their permission, so you won't get the whole "effect", but my babies sure looked darling! I will have some video up soon for you! Jeremy and his friend Jeremy they worked very hard on all the "tech" stuff.
Mom & Aunt Betty - they worked soo hard!
Katie-girl looking all pitiful
Annie singing her heart out
All the kids did really good! Erica