
Does life ever just catch you off guard? These last couple of weeks have been crazy for our family! We've been gone every single day for the last almost two weeks - that never happens in our family. It's been worth it - it's all church/VBS-related - but, still, it's getting hard.

Anyway, that explains my absence from blogging in the last few weeks. Not that much new to share, either, though I will post some VBS pictures later in the week.

Oh, and one thing that's just total silliness - my son (8) has a "facebook for kids" page!! He has been begging me to let him have a real FB page, and I just did not feel comfortable with that at all. You just never know...however, I found a website that does the same thing, only for kids, that is strictly monitored and also lets me see everything he access or who talks to him, and he is just having a ball!! Any of you with young ones might want to check this out, if they are in to that sort of thing! :)

Facebook for Kids