Family Reunion Collage

Another group of pictures from our family reunion. From the top right:

AJ: He's my newphew who lives in Illinois. He & his sister are staying with us for the summer to go to camp with our church youth group. They're also doing random jobs for us around the house, and we're doing lots of Movie Watching - or we will be now, since VBS-week-from-you-know-where is now over. Pirates & LOTR here we come!

Katie: She was having WAY too much fun eating her food that night.

Landra: Um, there are no words.

Dad & Katie: Lanae had just finished french-braiding Katie's hair, so she was posing for a photo with Daddy.

Me & Jacob: Post-haircut. Ain't he a cutie?

Center: All the little guys with Granny & Grandaddy. They are all my sweeties!

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