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Jacob's a Hoot

We can't get this kid to talk for anything! He's 20-some-odd months old, and the main words he says are "Mama", "Mine", "Dada" and "Guys". "Guys" refers to ALL of the kids. Evidently it's much easier to call them all by one name than to bother learning their names individually! We usually hear this when he is tattling because someone has something that he wants or is doing something he wants to do. The other kids don't realize that they are only here to help Jacob get candy, or go outside when he wants to!

So, earlier today I was encouraging him to say their names. The conversation went something like this:

Me: Say "Momma"
Jake: Momma!
Me: Say "Dada"
Jake: Dada!
Me: "Down"
Jake: Dow! (can you tell everything ends with an exclamation mark?)
Me: "Up"
Jake: Uhhh!
Me: Say "NeNe" (we're trying to get him to call Annie that - it's easier, and less confusing when paired up with "Granny", which he pronounces "GaGa!")
Jake: Neeee
Me: Say "Matthew"
Jake: Muuuu - Guy!

We also feel like we're living in Finding Nemo because he walks around the house saying "Mine?! Mine?! Mine?!" like the pigeons:

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1 Response to "Jacob's a Hoot"

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    Hillary August 18, 2009 at 10:01 AM Permalink

    Izzy wasn't a big talker either - it drove us crazy that she was so quiet, now it drives us crazy that she talks non stop! Life is funny ;)

    Oh yeah, I got an apple Iphone which is great because it is a phone, computer, camera and video camera all in one.

    Talk to you later!