Well, it's a new year! A new decade - the second one of this millennium. I'm looking back over the last 10 years to see what's different, and my answer is - Quite a few things!
10 Years Ago...
...I had NO children.
Now I have four, with one on the way
...I did not own a house
Now, well - I do
...I was attending a different church, and living in a different city
...I think my hair was longer
...I could go to Walmart anytime I wanted - or Taco Bell - or the grocery store
Now I have to get a babysitter
...Jeremy worked at McDonald's!
...I was going to Lamar and working part-time as a secretary
...I did not have a cell phone, much less an iPhone, and I'd never heard of blogging
That's just a few! But life has changed a LOT since the beginning of this millennium. I don't have any "resolutions" for this year, but I have started a Bible-reading plan. I'll be posting about that occasionally. I need the accountability, since I failed miserably at my goal for reading through the Bible in 2009! I'm praying I will do better in 2010.
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