Today I'm sick. While this is never fun, I think it's LESS fun on a Saturday. It's just a chest cold, but the medicine that I'm taking to break it up is NOT on friendly terms with my stomach, so the nause that had passed with the onset of my 2nd trimester is back with a vengeance.
While I'm laying here as still as possible, I was thinking how grateful I am to live in the same city as our parents. I've said many times, I don't think we would have as many kids as we do if we were very far from our parents!! I know many people don't have this blessing (or do but don't think it IS a blessing, haha), but I'm so thankful our kids have close relationships with their grandparents, and that they are willing and able to help us out when we need them!
Just a special thanks to Mom and Dad, and Danny and Donna. We appreciate you guys!
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