Sweet Moment
You know, as a parent, those precious moments you have where you just have to stop and cry because it's so beautiful? We had one of those last night when we got home from church.
Normal night, normal business (especially since it was a Sunday). Everybody's ready to get inside and watch the Super Bowl (and eat, cuz we're all hungry!). We park the car, and open both sliding doors. Jeremy goes around to get Jacob out of his car seat (all as usual). As the door opens, Jacob gets this look of wonder on his face and looks up at the sky and says, "Wow! Daddy!" We looked up and saw...stars. Big deal, right? Only, evidently, Jacob had never looked at the sky before, and what he saw amazed him.
Jeremy said, "Yes, Jacob - those are STARS. God made them." Jacob is staring at the sky and says, "Star! Mommy, STAR!" He was completely in awe of these beautiful shining things in the sky. I just had to sit where I was, with a few tears in my eyes, completely overwhelmed at seeing my son LEARN something new - and being overcome by the beauty of God's creation.
It also made me think of Raymond's sermon today about pride. One of the ways, he said, to combat the pride that is inherent in all of us is to simply LOOK UP. We look up at the heavens and are reminded of just how small we are. And I was reminded one more time last night, as I looked at my precious boy, and his wonder at God's creation.
What a fabulous story!! Thanks for sharing and for sharing your sweet ones with our family! God IS awesome!