So Much to Write
First of all, sorry it's been so long since I've written! It's been a crazy week, and I've just now gotten caught up on my regular stuff.
I have so many pictures to show you guys!! Hope you don't O.D. on my cuties!! These first pictures are my Rock-N-Roll Kiddos. They have a blast singing and playing fun songs in their "band". They want to be like their cousin Brandon and be a rock band. =) Here are some photos, as well as video of them singing:
Annie is the lead singer...when she can keep the mic away from Drew...
Drew is lead guitar (or, as he says, "kitar")

Matthew's on drums...

And Jake is the backup singer.

Do you want to sing, too?

This is just because he's cute!

So here's a video of our up-and-coming rock stars. Enjoy!
Here's Andrew rockin' out:
And here's Jakey: